
Veera Maa Munivar is known as the pioneer in the reformation of Tamil script. Next to him, comes Periyar. But, Pandit Iyothee Thass, the precursor of Periyar is not brought into the picture. Iyothee Thass, a versatile scholar is not known to many because of his religious based ideologies. His research was based on the ideologies of Buddhism. All his activities were carried out following Buddha’s teachings. He whipped the Brahmins for suppressing the lay people, untouchables, Paraiyar, Pulaiyar on the basis of casteism and pointed out their mistake in treating them as slaves and pulling down their economy. He opines that Buddists and Jains protected and nurtured Tamil language. He brings out his devotion towards Buddha by interpolating Buddhas’s teachings even in the script changing process of ‘mai’ and ‘mei’.


Pandit Iyothee Thass, Buddhism, Jain, Paraiyar, Pulaiyar,


  1. Gowthama Sanna, (2007:2011), Indian literary sculptors Ka. Ayothithasa Pandithar, Anna Salai, Chennai, India.
  2. Raj Gowthaman, (2016), Ka. Ayothithasar Aaivugal, Kalachuvadu Pathipagam, Nagacoil, India.
  3. Geetha, V., Rajadurai, S.V., (1998), Towards a Non-Brahmin Millennium: From Iyothee Thass to Periyar, Popular Prakashan. Ltd; UK ed. edition (1 Dec. 1998)