Author Guidelines
The sections below provide important information for authors, and we strongly recommend that you read them before submitting work to Asian Research Association (ARA) publications.
- All manuscripts must be submitted electronically through via the online submission system ( Also, the first time users can go through the OJS article submission guidelines for easy submission (
- Authors are advised to follow the Author Guideline below in preparing the manuscript before submission.
The submitting author, who is usually the corresponding author, is in charge of the manuscript throughout the submission and peer-review process. The corresponding author must ensure that all the contributed authors are mentioned in the co-author list, that everyone has read and approved the final submitted version of the work, and that everyone has read and approved the authorship contribution requirements. Further, we suggest the authors to read ICMJE recommendations on manuscript submission (
- Original articles
- Systematic reviews
- Letters
- Priority communications
- Comments
- Cover Letter
- Title Page - A single word file which include title, authors and affiliations
- Manuscript - A single word processing file, including abstract, key words, main text, figure, table and references
- Figure(s) – optional
- Table(s) – optional
- List of recommended and opposed Reviewers – optional
Authors can submit their article as a single Word document or PDF for the reviewing process. The corresponding author must provide a complete contact information for all authors. For new manuscript should follow below guidelines,
- Abstract
- Acknowledgements
- References
- Tables
- Figures
- Supplementary contents
Abstract (200-350 words), Keywords (4-6), Introduction, Materials & Methods, Figures and Tables with Captions, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgement, Funding Details, Author Contributions, Conflict of Interest, and other Ethics Statements has to be included in all publications.
Manuscript references should be formatted in APA style. (
The title page is a separate page that comes before the content. On the title page, provide the following information.
Title: Concise and instructive. Avoid acronyms and formulae wherever possible.
Authors' names and affiliations: Corresponding author must be specified to handle contact during the reviewing, publishing, and post-publication processes. For easier communication, the corresponding author should provide all the co-author email address, ORCID ID’s, complete postal address (with country and area code), and phone number.
Author's contact information: Specify who is corresponding author to manage communication during the stages of reviewing, publishing, and post-publication. Please provide phone numbers in addition to your e-mail address and complete postal address (with country and area code).
The paper must include an abstract, keywords, main content, figures (with captions), and tables.
The overall structure of your manuscript text should include the following sections
- Abstract
- Keywords
- Introduction
- Methods
- Results
- Discussion
- Conclusion
- Other Information (Funding, Acknowledgement, Author contribution statement, Data availability, etc.,)
A structured abstract should be no more than 350 words long and should summarise the topic under consideration, how the study was conducted, the key findings, and the main conclusions.
Contributors who fail to meet the criteria for authorship should be acknowledged in the "Acknowledgements" section. Furthermore, if the manuscript was submitted on behalf of a consortium, the names and affiliations of all authors must be listed in the Acknowledgements section at the end of the publication.
Use your word processing software's table formatting and editing features to create tables. Do not use Excel or any other spreadsheet application. Tables should be self-explanatory and enrich, not duplicate, the information in the article.
- Each table file should have the table title, suitable column headings, and any legends.
- Save each table in its own word processing document file and submit it separately.
- Do not include tables in the manuscript file.
- When there are many tables, they must be numbered in a consecutive manner (1, 2, 3, etc.)
- Cite tables in the paper consecutively and number them in the order in which they are mentioned.
- Table titles may not contain abbreviations. Any abbreviation(s) used in the table's body, including dashes, must be defined in a footnote provided in reading order.
ARA is not responsible for picture quality; it is the authors' duty to submit publication-quality, high-resolution photographs. If you have any questions, contact a graphics professional. Figures include both photographic and computer-generated graphs and charts.
Supplementary Content
Authors may upload extra digital assets to augment the text of their article. Text documents such as surveys, graphs, tables, figures, and films are examples of supplemental digital material. Additional digital content will not appear in the main content but will be available online via a Link embedded in the article. Additional digital material files will not be copy altered. they will be supplied digitally in their original form. If you are providing more than one piece of supplemental information, add a sequential number (1, 2, 3, etc.). Throughout the text, cite all additional digital resources sequentially. Citations should indicate the type of material supplied, be designated as "Supplemental Digital Material" or "Supplemental Video," and contain a brief summary of the additional information.
As per the reviewer comments the authors has to revise their article and it may be either Major or Minor. While submitting the revised version the authors should consider,
- Revised Cover letter
- Response to Reviewer comments
- Revised manuscript including figures, tables (Changes must be highlighted in different color or the authors may highlight their revision using review option in a word document).
Authors will be notified by email when the PDF (portable document format) proofs of their article are ready. Authors are encouraged to thoroughly check the proofs, remedy any deficiencies or mistakes, and respond to all inquiries. Only the most important adjustments to the content's accuracy will be made. Style changes or reworkings of previously acceptable content will be prohibited. At this stage in the process, rewriting parts of text, modifying tables and figures, and/or adding/removing references are not authorised. Corrections or approval should be given to the Editor within 48 hours; an email describing the corrections is also acceptable.
Corrections are classified as minor or major by ARA. Anything not on this list does not necessitate a correction and Correction Notice.
Minor Correction
- Author name spelt incorrectly
- Funding information is missing
- Author degree listed incorrectly
- Correction to reference list (not including the addition, removal, or re-ordering of references)
Major Correction
- Title change
- Error in the received or accepted dates
- Missing text or typographical amendment (meaning changed; in other words, simply clarifying or correcting a grammatical error does not warrant a correction)
- Error in data
- Error in medical terms, amendment to tables, figures and appendices (meaning changed)
- Figure source or permission information missing
- Conflict of interest statement missing or incorrect
- Amendment to reference list updating cross-references in special issues
- Adding references, changing citations to new reference
- Request to remove/add author. The corresponding author must make a request to the Journal to add or remove an author or rearrange the author names in an approved paper. The justification for the modification, as well as written confirmation (by email) from all authors stating their agreement with the proposed addition, removal, or rearrangement, should be included in this request. If an author is added or removed, their approval is also necessary (
ARA adheres to the COPE authorship guidelines. To add/remove authors, the author must follow the method indicated in COPE guidelines (
The whole content of articles may be read, downloaded, copied, distributed, printed, searched, or linked to for any lawful purpose. The author(s) retain total ownership of the publication rights. The ARA work is licenced under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All accepted papers will be published for free, and authors will not be charged any submission or publishing costs.
Conflict of interest: Within three years of commencing the submitted work, contributors must state any real or prospective conflict of interest, including any financial, personal, or other links with other persons or institutions that might unduly influence, or be seen to affect, their work. For more details the authors are directed to read ICMJE and COPE guidelines ( (
Plagiarism and misleading data are not permitted in any journal publication. It has a stringent anti-plagiarism policy, which is enforced by two methods: reviewer checks and plagiarism prevention technology (iThenticate). Before being given to reviewers, all submissions will be validated. Further the authors are suggested to read the COPE policy on Plagiarism for submitted and post published articles. For more details the authors are suggested to read COPE guidelines (
It is strictly forbidden to publish the same research paper in several journals. If an article contains incorrect information, the authors will be held accountable for producing retractions or corrections. Currently, ARA follows COPE and ICMJE guidelines and the authors are suggested to read for the guidelines. ( (
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