
Mukkutar Pallu was an anonymous poem which depicts the life of Pallar community in the Southern part of Tamil Nadu during 17th century. They were ancient tribes and have a glorious past. The Pallers were the prominent agricultural community in the Tamil society. In this poem the poet records various events which were took place the 17th century. Pallar and Palliyar were the main role in this work. The poem beautifully records various events in the life of Pallar community. The personal life, agricultural works, religious conditions, belives, economic states, social conditions were beautifly recorded in this work. The feudal conduction at that time and the untouchablity a cruel custom which dominates the society at the time were recorded in this book. This book has considered as a time and historical valuable record of 17th century Tamil Nadu. The dialet which was spoke by the Pallar community were used in this book was this was the speciality of this book.


Pallar-Palliyar, Agriculture Community, Peasent life, Various events, Dialects, Time records,


  1. Arunachalam, M. (1949), Mukoodatpallu, Chennai, Tamil Library.
  2. Kathir Murugu, (2009), Mukoodatpallu, Chennai, Saradha Pathipagam.
  3. Puliyur Kesikan, (1960), Mukoodatpallu, Paari Nilayam, Chennai.
  4. Sethu Ragunathan, (1973), Mukoodatpallu, Chennai, The South India Saiva Siddhanta Works Publishing Society Ltd.
  5. Kachiyapa Munivar, (1998-2008), Perur Puranam, Project Madurai, (Digital Book).