
In the case of the investigation of the backward digit span memory, most of the research was based on either unisensory modality (e.g., auditory or visual or tactile) or bisensory (auditory and visual) modalities or both. Very few studies investigated digit span memory using trisensory modality and how it developed across different age groups. Therefore, the present study investigated the plausibility that backward digit span (BDS) tasks of trisensory presentation developed in terms of age. 58 subjects categorised into 3 groups (group 1 aged 9-12; group 2 aged 16-18; group 3 aged 22) were individually presented with three lists of numbers with three modalities (auditory, visual and tactile) and were instructed to recall the numbers in reverse order. It was hypothesized that a gradual increase in trisensory backward digit span (TBDS) would be observed from childhood to early adulthood. However, the findings demonstrated that the mean TBDS of each group was distinct from other groups, suggesting that age played an important role in determining TBDS memory. Age, education, and physiological factors were taken into account to explain these findings.


Memory, Backward Digit Span, Trisensory, Central Executive Function,


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