
Textile industry processes are among the most environmentally unfriendly industrial process, because they produce colored wastewaters that are heavily polluted the environment. Therefore, wastewater from textile industry has to be treated before being discharged into the environment. In this present study, an attempt has been made to evaluate the effectiveness of locally available natural coagulant Neem leaves powder for reduction of characteristics in the wastewater in order to improve its quality. A common herb like Neem leaves powder is utilized to illuminate and sterilize the water. The coagulant chemicals play the vital role in wastewater treatment. At the same time spending more amounts for these chemical coagulants increase the total treatment cost and become more burdens to the industry. In view of the replacement or reduction of chemical coagulants which are used in wastewater clarification, coagulants which are effective, productive and also free from physio-chemical characteristics are considered. Using natural coagulants is more eco-friendly and sustainable when compared to the chemical coagulants which is biodegradable.


Textile wastewater, Azadirachta Indica, Jar test apparatus, BOD and COD,


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