
Health care is a kind of livelihood maintenance and improving one’s health through prevention, diagnosis and treating illness, disease and injury and physical and medical discomforts in patients. The proposed system uses the Body Sensor Network (BSN) which is a network that connects the medical sensors all over the body, even the implants placed inside or outside the human body and can operate autonomously. The BSN technology is a core technology of IoT performing in the field of health care, where patients are of monitoring using a cluster of tiny powered and lightweight wearable wireless sensor nodes for sensing and for analysis of various vital frameworks of the human body. The BSN gathers, stores the information and also shares with each other, making it achievable to gather record and analyze data. Therefore it overcomes the trouble crossing under the name of manual checkups. Patients will have high quality services. The emerging new technology in the field of health care also concerned with the security of the patient’s privacy information invulnerably. Thus the proposed system mainly concerned with both the vital health care of the patients and the security issues of the patients via a sensor named Body Sensor Network (BSN).


Body Sensor Network, IoThNet Architecture, IoT Application and Services, Embedded Gateway Configuration, Gateway Communication, Cloud Computing, Grid Computing, Clouds for health,


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