
Internet of things is one of the emerging technologies in the world. Through which we can generate a large network among the tiny devices to communicate with each other to develop environmental and ecological resources. Most of the smart technology devices are designed by IoT network of devices. By connecting these devices that help to interact with each other and to collect and transfer data over the internet. The IoT devices working speed and their performance have improved by introducing a device called a sensor. The idea of IoT devices with sensors that sense the data and make smart decisions in the environment. This paper makes it clear about the benefits of IoT devices over technology in the modern environment. The sensors in IoT devices are connected to Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and RFID etc. to collect useful data. By connecting devices over the network, the world will become smart and thus it evolves the smart environment including smart homes, smart buildings and smart cities. It is believed that about 30 billion people in the world will use at least one IoT technology devices by the year 2020. To maintain our environment safe and secure the IoT devices play a major role in several enabling technologies. This paper is to present the applications of IoT in smart cities and the environment and a brief explanation about their uses.


Internet of Things (IoT), Sensors, RFID, IoT Applications, Smart city,


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