
N.Chellappa IAS’s Naganatyam poetry anthology contains a total of 50 poems. The pivotal purpose of this paper is to consider these poems as the foremost research sources and divide them into three elements and illustrate them as exemplary. Before that, it is necessary to appreciate the poet's merits and understand the overview of the book. In this paper deal mainly with three topics: 1. Poetic titles; 2. Poetic objects; and 3. Poetic style. Most of the poems of Chellappa are mainly about love. Although they seem subtle, it is not an exaggeration to say that when one examines them in depth, it goes beyond the passions of love, such as Piety, Movement of the soul, Attainment of God, Salvation, Union of oneself with the Supreme of the soul, Standing on the side of God and Riding in bliss. All his poems are lyrics that speak to the soul. The valid poems prove the fact that there are no caste differences between the Jeevatma and Paramatma. The descriptions and parables he uses in his poems are so farfetched and bizarre, and it is clear that he is a fan of nature. In his preface, he says, "Poems written by a Tamil poet." But when one examines the collection of Naganatyam poems, one finds no Tamil trace (except for the words Arangetram, Ponnur, and Kumari). Moreover, these poems appear to be pure Telugu, and do not sound as poetic poems from a Tamil pen. They sound efficacious, and pray on behalf of the Telugus to adorn the mother of Telugu Sahitya Pudami. With thousands of Telugu poems overflowing from his pen, sincerely pray to God that the nature of the poetry he worships will continue to give him physical and mental strength and as well longevity.


Anthology of Poetry, Poetry Style, Linguistic Tradition, Nature Description, Phrases, Parable,