
Vedas have been studied with great interest at all times, resulting in their multi-lingual translations across the globe. There have been attempts to understand the Vedic devatās with different perspectives. These devatās are mythically glorified in the later literature, especially in the Itihāsas and Purāṇas. Among the earlier attempts made by scholars, we find detailed accounts of deities like Indra, Agni and a few others, but seldom do we find the same of Bṛhaspati. This paper presents a detailed novel interpretation with a perspective in light of ādhyātmika understanding of the Bṛhaspatisūkta (10.68) of the Ṛgveda. Here the author tried to follow the path of interpretative tradition expounded by the ācāryas like Udgītha, Sāyaṇa etc. and also the later commentators.


Ṛgveda, Ādhyātmika Interpretation, Saṃhitās, Sāyaṇācārya, Sūkta, Bṛhaspatisūkta, Aitihāsika,