
This paper attempts to summarize what is known about the nature and process of listening. It also tries to relate theoretical issues to classroom practices. Teaching L2 listening in EFL large classes is not a passive process but an active one which assists students construct meaning in their mind. The paper then introduces listening types and different strategies that teachers can select to suit their listening teaching at language schools in general and in university in particular in which activities viewed from top-down, bottom-up, and interactive approaches are recommended. The paper focuses on activities and strategies such as lecturing, teacher talks and student talks that mainly occur at university settings. Web-based resources, online listening training with technology, and online assessment tools are also introduced. The paper ends with limitations and conclusion that encourage teachers and educators to further investigate related issues of this listening topic.


Listening, Large Classes, Mixed-Ability Classes, Teaching Listening in Large EFL Classes, Teaching L2 Listening in Mixed-Ability Classes,


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