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Journal Description
Title: Indian Journal of Language and Linguistics
ISSN: 2582-9726 (Online)
Journal Abbreviation: Indian J. Lang. Linguist.
Publication language: English
Publishing frequency: Quarterly
DOI Prefix: 10.54392/ijll
Scopus Citedness Click here
Author's Diversity: India, Palestine, Vietnam, Morocco, Iran, China, Nigeria, Iraq, Bulgaria, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia and Ghana
Aim and Scope

Indian Journal of Language and Linguistics (E ISSN 2582-9726) is an online and peer-reviewed quarterly open access journal that publishes all kinds of articles related to language and linguistics. In addition to this, software and technology related to the development of language and linguistics research will also be considered. Currently, the journal publishes articles in the English language and provides an forum for the publication of language and linguistics researchers. The journal publishes clearly written original articles, review articles, conceptual articles, essays and book reviews. 

Indian Journal of Language and Linguistics is a forum for the scientific and cultural exchange and communication between researchers working in diverse regions. And to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of language and linguistics. Indian Journal of Language and Linguistics is entirely open access, and the full text of published articles is accessible to the public via the website of the journal.



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