
This paper compares the performance of a wound rotor induction motor drive (WRIM) with two rotor impedance profiles. The first system involves a diode rectifier followed by variable impedance in the rotor circuit. The second system involves a three-phase variable impedance in the rotor circuit. The comparison concerns the magnitude of starting transients of stator and rotor voltages and currents, the transients settling time of the stator and rotor voltages and currents, the stator and rotor consumed active and reactive power, the electrical torque, and the stable range of operation at sub-and super-synchronous speeds. This comparison is helpful for deciding the more efficient drive to be utilized, the drive with lower harmonics in currents and voltages, and the drive allowing wider speed stable operation range. Better results are obtained for the drive with the three-phase variable impedance connected to the rotor circuit.


Wound rotor induction motor, Electrical drive, Rotor impedance, Diode rectifier,


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