An orphanage is a residential institution devoted to the care of orphan-children whose parents are unwilling or unable to take care of them. The problem of orphan is acute due to urbanization and industrialization. Need for each of the orphanages varies in different categories such as food, money, clothes, medicine. Most of the people would like to help the orphanages but the major problem is that they have any idea on how to approach these orphanages. The main objective of this application is to develop a centralized site for orphanages. In our proposed system we try to create an interface between Orphanages\Old age Homes which are in need of charity and people/Volunteers who are willing to help these people. Volunteers can also approach the Orphanage managers regarding the help that they can afford. People can donate through Internet Banking or Online Money Payment applications.
Orphanage, Volunteers, Centralized site, Charity,Downloads
- A.P. Junfithrana, E. Liani, M. Z. Suwono, D. Meldiana, A. Suryana,(2018) Rice Donation System in Orphanage Based on Internet of Things, Raspberry-Pi, and Blockchain, In 2018 International Conference on Computing, Engineering, and Design (ICCED),IEEE, 235-238.
- M. Archana, K. Mouthami, Charity Connecting System, International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science, 3 (2014) 137-141