In this article, we explore the use of neural networks (NNs) to enhance the performance evaluation of Universal Filtered Multi-Carrier (UFMC) systems, a key technology for modern communication networks such as 5G and beyond. Traditional methods of evaluating the Bit Error Rate (BER) and system efficiency in UFMC system can be computationally intensive and less accurate under dynamic conditions. To address these challenges, we propose a NN based approach that not only improves the accuracy of BER prediction but also significantly optimizes the system's overall efficiency. Channel state estimation (CSE) plays a major role for UFMC system to address the phenomenon of multipath channel fading. In order to achieve a high data rate using UFMC technology, it is necessary to have an effective CSE and very accurate signal detection. Recently, there has been significant interest in utilizing deep learning (DL) to enhance channel estimations. This article introduces a new method for channel estimation (CE) in UFMC system. The suggested approach utilizes DL models to improve the CE. For the UFMC system, we propose a detector based on bidirectional long short-term memory (Bi-LSTM). To identify the transmitted symbols, the suggested detector uses DL training data directly. Currently, a significant drawback of UFMC systems is the presence of a high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR). The approach aims to reduce the BER and enhances the efficiency of the UFMC system. This is achieved by dynamically setting the constellation mapping and symbol damping on each subcarrier and sub-symbol. The results illustrate that the proposed model can accurately and efficiently recognize UFMC signals. The suggested model is being compared to Least Square (LS), LSTM, and Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) channel estimators. Through extensive simulations, our results demonstrate that the NN model reduces BER and enhances efficiency. The proposed model gives more effective performance in terms of enhanced efficiency and reduction of BER. The findings offer valuable insights for the design and optimization of next-generation communication systems, where accurate and efficient performance evaluation is critical.
BER, Bi-LSTM, Channel Estimation (CE), LS, LSTM, MMSE, Neural network (NN), UFMC,Downloads
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