
To develop an enhanced web application, using web services for both online job and candidate recommendation system. By using Professional Social Recommender (PSR) and Text field filtering the recommendation of jobs and candidates will be classified. Three tier architecture designs have been implemented for efficient data retrieval and data transfer. They are Job seeker interface, Candidate recruitment interface and Recommendation database will be the architecture taken for developing this application. The primary architecture will be the job seeker interface, in followed with candidate recruitment interface and Recommendation database will be interconnected. The professional social recommender will works as a third party agent and the agent will retrieves all the recommended job and candidate profiles. A panel will be designed for displaying the recommended job and candidate details. All the displayed jobs will be more relevant to the user’s profile. The generated user and candidate profile will be encrypted in order to overcome the privacy breaches.


Professional Social Recommender (PSR), online job, Candidate recommendation,


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