
A Heavy-duty cargo truck manufactured by the Chinese company SHACMAN X3000 is designed and analyzed in this paper. Here, this paper developed a Chassis Health Monitoring System (CHMS). The objective of the system is improving the safety measures by combining computational techniques using FEA on static structural and Modal analysis followed by experimental work by implementation of IoT for monitoring and validation purposes. In this paper, for analysis purpose, we selected four critical points based on the survey and underwent the analysis by computational tool. The CHMS consists of a Force sensor, a Flux sensor, and RGB with Arduino, which is to collect and analyze to monitor the frame. The analyzed results give the optimal value in the frame near the critical areas, which results the crack. The CHMS, it a pre-alert system and safe guard the chassis.


Chassis Health Monitoring System (CHMS), FEA (Finite Element Analysis), Static structural analysis, Modal analysis, IoT (Internet of Things), Force sensor, Flux sensor, Crack detection, Pre-alert system,


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