
Murugu means beauty. If the beauty means Lord Muruga, he is the lord. Since Lord Muruga is the god of Tamils, murugan is called tamil god. Let us look at the principles of the great Tamil god Murugan. The principle of Lord Muruga is morality, charity should remain in this world. In this article, one can learn that to attain salvation, one should worship Lord Muruga and follow his righteous ness and attain salvation.


Murugu, Lord Murugan, Bhakti literature, Worship, Tamil god,


  1. Jakannatan, Ki. Va., (1978) Tirumurukāṟṟuppaṭai viḷakkam, Amuta nilaiyam Pvt. ltd, India.
  2. Nachinarkiniyar, (1918) Pattuppāṭṭu mūlamum, Commerical Press, Chennai, India.
  3. Swaminatha Aiyar, U.V., (1950) Pattuppattu with a commentary by Naccinarkkiniyar (4th Edition). UV Swaminathaiyer Library, Chennai, India.