Contribution of Branch Stories to The Structure of The Epic: A Study Based on The Silappathikaram

Murukaiya Sathees
Department of Tamil, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka.


Plum Analytics


Epic is the Tamil form of the word epic. It is a literary form structured with various elements.  Among them the branch is the main component.  It is created to support the purpose of coffee.  This is the storyline that lies within the central story.  Silappathikaram also presents several branch stories with them as a consensual literary form.  The central story is the life struggle story of Kovalan - Kannaki - Madhavi, the pioneer of Tamil coffee, Ilangovadikal and Silappathikaram.  Several episodes interspersed with the Silappathikara central story expand the scope of the epic story.  In particular, 32 episodes co-exist with Kovalan Kannaki's biography, giving a twist, emphasis, clarity and significance to the elemental.  These stories complement the silappathikaram storytelling and copy structure.  Anecdotes are used in the silappathikaram to reinforce the author's ideas, to advance the narrative and the personality of the characters, and to identify the context and silappathikaram of the narrative and its use.  The study focuses on scholasticism with a view to revealing and documenting the role of branch stories in such copywriting.  The scholastic epic of the juveniles has been used primarily for this study and related essays, journals, and electronic commentary have also been used as research data.  The study also emphasizes that many more such studies should be carried out by researchers in view of the importance of branch stories and their contribution to copywriting.


  • Epic,
  • Silappathikaram,
  • Structure,
  • Anthology,
  • Contribution


  1. Muththuchchanmukan. (1980). Double Copy Branches and Supplements. Madurai: Muththu Publishing House.
  2. Soundarapandian, s. (1988). Epics in Tamil. Chennai: Star Publication.
  3. Subramanian, S.W. (1984). Literary Strategies of Ilango. Chennai: World Tamil Research Institute.
  4. Subramanian, V. (2003). Silappathikaram Panpadduchchurangam. Chennai: Manivasakhar Publishing House.



Article Details

Volume 2, Issue 4, Year 2021

Published 2021-10-06

How to Cite

Sathees, M. (2021). Contribution of Branch Stories to The Structure of The Epic: A Study Based on The Silappathikaram. Indian Journal of Multilingual Research and Development, 2(4), 1–10.