
Machine translation (MT) as a sub-field of computational linguistics represents one of the most advanced and applied translation dimensions as a research field. Translation divergence occurs when structurally similar sentences of the source language do not translate into sentences that are similar in structure in the target language" (Dorr, 1993). The sophistication in the domain of MT depends mainly on the identification of divergence patterns in a language pair. Many researchers in MT field including Dorr (1990, 1994) have emphasized that the best quality in MT can be achieved when an individual language pair in a particular context is described in detail. This paper attempts to explore the divergence patterns that characterize the translation of Kashmiri pronouns into English. The analysis in this paper has been restricted to the class of personal and possessive pronouns. Kashmiri has rich inflections and pronouns are marked for case, number, tense and gender and show complex agreement patterns. The paper identifies and outlines a wide variety of divergence patterns that characterize the Kashmiri English language pair. These divergence patterns are identified and summarized in order to improve the quality of the MT system that may be developed for Kashmiri English language pair in the near future and can also be utilized for other language pairs that are similar in terms of their structure and typological features.


Machine Translation, Divergence, Pronoun word class, Personal pronouns, Multiple Divergence, Case divergence, Honorific Divergence,


  1. Dorr, B. J. (1990). Solving thematic divergences in machine translation. Proceedings of the 28th annual meeting on association for computational linguistics, 127-134. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh, 1990.127-134.
  2. Dorr, B. J. (1993). Machine Translation: A View from the Lexicon. MIT Press: Cambridge.
  3. Dorr, B.J. (1994). Machine translation divergences: A formal description and proposed solution. Computational linguistics 20(4), 597-633.
  4. Wani, S. H. (2013). Divergence patterns in Kashmiri –English machine translation: A view from translation of tenses. Interdisciplinary journal of linguistics, Vol.VI, 201-222.
  5. Wani, S. H. (2013b). Kashmiri to English machine translation: A study of morpho-syntactic divergence patterns [Doctoral Dissertation, University of Kashmir].
  6. Wani, S. H. (2014). Verb Word Class and Kashmiri –English Machine Translation Divergence. Interdisciplinary Journal of Linguistics, Vol.VII, 275-286.
  7. Wani, S. H. (2017). Divergence Patterns for Kashmiri-English Machine Translation: Revisiting Dorr’s Classification. Interdisciplinary journal of linguistics, Vol.X, 104-113.