
The scriptures of the Eighteen Books of the Caṅkam'maruviya period and the Christian holy book, the Bible, are the divine lyrics of the Lord. The article explains that humanity is cultured by the admiration of sovereignty and the removing of evils and the good and good. The article explains the importance of the world being the creation of God and the atom without him, the merit of the lord's nature and the way of worshipping God, its benefits and the merits of the sovereignty.


Bible, Worship, Atom, Humanity,


  1. Kaumareeswari, S., (2009) Eeighteen Lesser Texts Source and text, Saradha Press, Chennai, India.
  2. Kaumareeswari, S., (2015) Eeighteen Lesser Texts Source and text, Saradha Press, Chennai, India.
  3. TBCLC, (1995) Tiruviviliyam, Tamilnadu Biblical Catechetical Liturgical Centre, Tindivanam-604002, India.