
Among the new Classical dance and dance dramas like Bharatanatyam, Lavni, Bihu, Kathak, Kuchipuri, Kathakali, Odissi and few more Chhau the Wonderful mask dance of Eastern India are Completely Unique in Various point of View. In this paper I have discussed the Origin, Development, Types of Chhau Dance and the basic differences between Mayurbhanja chhau, Sareikala Chhau and Purulia Chhau.


Classical Dance, Mayurbhanja Chhau, Purulia Chhau, Sareikala Chhau, Mask dance,


  1. Mohapatra, Sitakanta, (1993) (ed) Chhau Dance, Vidyapuri, Cuttack
  2. Vatsyana Kapila, (1980) Traditional Indian Theatre, Multiple streams, NBT, New Delhi.