
This study aimed to gain insight into the SLPs' views about bilingualism and the approach toward the assessment and management of bilingual children with language disorders in the Indian context. The survey included a single questionnaire consisting of 31 questions, involving multiple choice questions, open questions, and Likert scales. It elicited information about demographic data of SLPs, the history of their language and use; SLPs' views about bilingualism concerning clinical practice and theoretical aspects; and SLPs' professional practice and caseload. The survey was conducted in online mode using the google forms platform and it was circulated through e-mail and social media platforms with the link to the online google forms questionnaire. A sample of 33 professionals across (n=29 from urban & n=4 from rural backgrounds) India took part in the study. The education level of the professionals varied from bachelor's to Postdoctoral degrees. The professionals' work experience ranged from one year to eight years. Most of the professionals except three worked at second-tier city levels. This survey was designed to examine current practices for the assessment and management of language disorders in bilingual children.  Heterogeneity in the views and approach towards bilingualism was observed. Consensus is needed among the professionals who are practicing regarding the assessment and management of bilingual children. Professionals' mixed views towards bilingualism might be addressed by initial and ongoing continuing education focused on typical bilingual development and second language acquisition.


Bilingualism, Child language assessment, Professional practice, Bilingual assessment, Bilingual therapy,


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