
This article is concerned with ''learning strategies of English in English Foreign Language setting in Iran. The role of language strategy is to reach or complete a language learning process or language teaching process in target language. It is worth mentioning strategies of learning can be considered as the important factor in learning and teaching target language in order to help determine how language learners learn their target language in EFL or ESL settings. Subjects for this research project were eighty EFL students in the age range of 18 to 24 at under-graduate level in Bushehr Persian Gulf University. The two types of questionnaires were designed to reach the purpose of this study: the first test included age, gender, language attitude and subjects etc. and a learning strategies questionnaire has included a twenty-nine-test adapted from the original willing (1994) survey. However, the Effectiveness of Learning Strategies was revealed in this study.


English, Language learning strategies, English foreign learners, The direct strategies and indirect strategies,


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