Asian Journal of Interdisciplinary Research 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Dr. Vimal Kumar Ph.D (IIT Kanpur) Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Asian Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (AJIR) (E-ISSN 2581-8430)</strong> is an International open access Quarterly journal. It publishes high-quality research articles in all areas of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences including Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences including Business and management, Economics, Education, Language and Linguistics, Political science, Psychology, Sociology.</p> Climate Literacy in the Age of Global Climate Change: A Critical Inquiry into Shaping Climate –Literate Society for a Sustainable Future 2024-01-07T13:46:21+00:00 Priyanka S Raj Shivdasini S Amin <p>Climate Change is a multidimensional challenge in the twenty-first century. The challenges venting out of the consequences of climate change are mainly due to a lack of information and knowledge to combat it. It is important to build a climate-literate society to address and combat the consequences of ecological catastrophe. There is a need for cutting-edge knowledge on understanding the nuances of critical components of climate science, which is the need of the hour. Henceforth, climate literacy is an understanding of anthropogenic impact driven by human activities that have led to planetary crisis; cultivating ecological skills and thought processes, with a pragmatic vision of providing a tool to build a sustainable world in the era of climate change world. The role of educators and academic institutions in nurturing environmental stewardship becomes a vital for taking a step forward to a sustainable future in the cocoon of sustainable development goals. This paper will explore and address the vision of cultivating climate literacy as a framework for sustainable development and addressing climate resilience in the age of global climate change. The aim of the study is to identify the efficacy of Climate Change Education (CCE) initiatives and to trace few of the best practices and methods for developing a climate-literate society. As we introspect into the future outcome of the present study, it will envision climate literate society and decision-making processes at individual, institutional, and governmental levels for promoting sustainability and millennium development goals. Thus, it calls for action, emphasising the urgency of humanising climate literacy to empower current and future generations to contribute meaningfully to the global environmental sustainability and resilience effort.</p> 2024-05-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Priyanka S Raj, Shivdasini S Amin The Psychosocial Developmental Phases of Death (Mortality) Awareness: What Educational Therapists should know when working with Terminally Ill Clients 2024-04-08T09:51:53+00:00 Kok Hwee Chia <p>This conceptual paper explores death and dying (mortality) from scientific, philosophical, and psychosocial perspectives, emphasizing its multidimensionality. Scientifically, death signifies the cessation of biological functions, while philosophically, it marks the end of conscious experience. Psychosocially, death encompasses emotional, cultural, and social dimensions, shaped by beliefs and cultural backgrounds. Educational therapists play a crucial role in navigating the psychosocial aspects of death, providing support and guidance to individuals and families coping with loss and grief. Across cultures, diverse rites and rituals as well as mourning practices aid in navigating its challenges. Focusing on death awareness from a psychosocial standpoint, this paper highlights its profound psychological implications, especially within the Eriksonian developmental theory, which is the main focus of this paper. The author has also suggested that future research could integrate interdisciplinary approaches to gain a holistic understanding of death, examining biological, philosophical, and psychosocial intersections. Practical applications could include enhancing palliative care, bereavement support, and mental health interventions, with educational therapists playing a pivotal role in these palliative endeavors. Studying cultural variations in approaching death or mortality could deepen our appreciation of human experiences. Longitudinal studies could track the evolution of individuals’ attitudes towards death and its impact on well-being. Overall, further research on death and dying, with the involvement of educational therapists, can help to enrich our current comprehension of death’s implications for humanity.</p> 2024-06-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Kok Hwee Chia A Comprehensive Study on the Emerging Role of Neuroeconomics Dynamics in Cybersecurity 2024-06-23T14:15:01+00:00 Kritika <p>As cyber threats continue to evolve, there is growing recognition that effective security requires a deeper scientific understanding of the complex drivers of human judgment and decision-making. The emerging field of neuroeconomics, combining economics, psychology, and neuroscience, provides new theoretical frameworks, measurement techniques, and models to elucidate the neural foundations underpinning human motivations and behaviors critical to cyber contexts. This paper reviews key neuroeconomic concepts including dual-process thinking, prospect theory, and social decision neuroscience and highlights their potential for generating new insights and interventions to strengthen cybersecurity. Ethical considerations surrounding neuroeconomic monitoring and potential manipulations also demand careful governance. Overall, neuroeconomic research promises to advance cybersecurity practices and policies by grounding them in realistic neural models of human cognition, emotions, and social dynamics. Careful interdisciplinary collaboration will be key to validating applications and avoiding pitfalls as neuroeconomic tools and theories are integrated into both cybersecurity scholarship and practice. This neuro-cognitive approach represents a compelling frontier with immense opportunities to transform cybersecurity through enhanced appreciation of the human dimension.</p> 2024-06-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Kritika Mandala Coloring: A Therapeutic Journey towards Affective (Emotional) Wellness 2024-05-06T07:59:37+00:00 Qi Wang Kok Hwee Chia <p>Despite its origin in the ancient spiritual traditions, such as Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhlism, mandala coloring therapy (MCT) has gained popularity over the past two decades as a therapeutic tool used in wellness treatment to address various affective conditions. The symbol of a mandala representing the universe serves as a meditative aid, whose aim is to cultivate mindfulness and also to promote relaxation and self-expression, while engaging in a creative process of mandala coloring. With promising results in reducing symptoms and improving overall well-being, MCT can be used to treat challenging affective conditions, such as trauma and the stress-anxiety-depression (SAD) syndrome. There are two key steps to be followed in the therapy: (1) Select a mandala design; and (2) choose the coloring materials for the task of mandala coloring. Throughout the session, the MCT facilitator supports and encourages the participants to stay focused on the present moment, allowing their thoughts and emotions to surface without judgment while coloring the selected mandala. During the pre-MCT session, participants are asked individually about their respective current affective states, stressors, and expectations. In the post-MCT session, questions are also asked but the focus is now on a participant’s experience during the coloring session, such as any insights gained, mood or mindset changes. The authors also discussed the limitations of MCT. In addition, they have provided their recommendations to circumvent these therapy constraints.</p> 2024-06-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Qi Wang, Kok Hwee Chia