
Pandemic caused by Covid-19 revealed the weaknesses of many governments management. The classes shutdown showed the Angolan government the importance of distance learning for a society development. This work aimed to check challenges the Angolan State faced, in order to carry on the curriculum plans during this pandemic period, as well as some obstacles faced by students and teachers, as main protagonists in the teaching-learning process, as the lessons they took from it. Thus, a conversation with some students from the province of Huíla in Angola, was organized. It was oriented by a teacher locally and monitored by the author. The author spoke with some teachers too.  We could conclude that the pandemic really showed the lack of investment the Angolan State in education. In case they want to have a quality education, it is essential more investment in education, and especially in teachers education and their motivation. Not forgetting the need to invest more in technology, which is relevant nowadays for the non-stoppage of education and, consequently, the country's development.


Covid-19, Pandemic, Education, Higher education in Angola, Pandemic in Angola,


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