The study aims to investigate the differences in the opinions of financial sector employees and users of financial services on the impact of a health run on financial remittances and inclusion. Data were collected through a survey questionnaire administered on a sample of 60 respondents made up of financial services employees and users of financial services irrespective of their age and years of business experience. The study used a stratified sampling technique to get the respondents into two distinguee classes, followed by a purposive sampling to eliminate those without knowledge on the subject matter under examination and finally a random sampling was applied to ensure accuracy and fairness in the opinions of the final respondents. The study objective was attained by empirically testing the hypotheses using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Results show that, there is differences between respondent’s opinions from the financial sector employees and users of financial services on the impact of a health crisis on the level of remittances and financial inclusion. The findings suggest that not all parties, sectors or economic groups and units are equally impacted during a health crisis. Thus policy makers can focus their attention in designing a direct response recovery strategy to reduce the effect of a health crisis on the most affected economic units and entities.
Financial Inclusion, Financial Sector, Financial Services Employees, Health Crisis, Remittances, Users of Financial Services,Metrics
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