Self-efficacy is a belief in one capability in accomplishing a particular task. Most of the related studies concluded that having a high self-efficacy has something to do with high performance at work. It has something to do with an individuals' work output/ production; however, some other literature revealed that it does not have something to do with an individual's performance. On the other side, the English language is the required medium of instruction yet the most feared. This study investigated the self-efficacy towards the English Proficiency Test of the teacher applicants from the Division of Romblon. Findings showed that respondents have Low Self- efficacy status towards English Proficiency Test. It concluded that proficient respondents have a Very Low Self-efficacy among the levels of English Proficiency compared to other levels that reached the Low level. Further, the overall English Proficiency of teacher applicants was at the Beginners level.
English, Proficiency, Self-efficacy, Philippines,Metrics
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