
From the end of the second world war, the awareness of a globalized society has gained power. The theory of globalization is supported by time and space polarity and how these two elements' change affects the world today. This situation concerns all sectors, including education. Indeed, in this era of globalization and competition, educators, researchers, and employers are concerned about the educational institutions' curriculum to prepare students for employment outside their boundaries. Since globalization influences education practices and curriculum worldwide, employees, like products, are shaped by the educational industry in a complex and competitive job market. Thus, the curriculum makers must ensure the preparation of individuals equipped with 21st century skills. This theoretical paper aims to identify how globalization affects educational practices due to competition and how a flexible and dynamic curriculum looks like in the 21st century.  Adaptability, flexibility, and cooperation between developed and developing countries can help train graduates for employment in the 21st century job market.


Globalization, Competition, Employability, Flexible Curriculum, Dynamic Curriculum, 21st century skills,


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