
This conceptual paper explores death and dying (mortality) from scientific, philosophical, and psychosocial perspectives, emphasizing its multidimensionality. Scientifically, death signifies the cessation of biological functions, while philosophically, it marks the end of conscious experience. Psychosocially, death encompasses emotional, cultural, and social dimensions, shaped by beliefs and cultural backgrounds. Educational therapists play a crucial role in navigating the psychosocial aspects of death, providing support and guidance to individuals and families coping with loss and grief. Across cultures, diverse rites and rituals as well as mourning practices aid in navigating its challenges. Focusing on death awareness from a psychosocial standpoint, this paper highlights its profound psychological implications, especially within the Eriksonian developmental theory, which is the main focus of this paper. The author has also suggested that future research could integrate interdisciplinary approaches to gain a holistic understanding of death, examining biological, philosophical, and psychosocial intersections. Practical applications could include enhancing palliative care, bereavement support, and mental health interventions, with educational therapists playing a pivotal role in these palliative endeavors. Studying cultural variations in approaching death or mortality could deepen our appreciation of human experiences. Longitudinal studies could track the evolution of individuals’ attitudes towards death and its impact on well-being. Overall, further research on death and dying, with the involvement of educational therapists, can help to enrich our current comprehension of death’s implications for humanity.


Death, Dying, Educational Therapist, Interdisciplinary Approach, Psychosocial Perspective,


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