
The main goal of the Christian Theocentric Therapy (CTT for short; also known as biblicatherapy, not to be confused with bibliotherapy) centers around God as the One who provides (Jehovah-Jireh), heals (Jehovah-Rapha), and protects (Jehovah-Nissi). Based on the first of the two great commandments articulated by Jesus Christ (as recorded in the gospels according to Saint Mark and also Saint Matthew): the first one concerns the human relationship with God while the second involves human inter-relationship. The former is termed theocentric while the latter is called anthropocentric. This paper focuses on the first commandment from which the four tenets of CTT are derived: (i) heartfulness, (ii) soulfulness, (iii) mindfulness, and (iv) strengthfulness. It aims to provide an introductory understanding of theocentric therapy in the Christian context, and how it is facilitated in the therapeutic process of counseling.


Christian, Counseling, Jesus Christ, Theocentrism, Therapy,


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